ApacheDS, 10+ years in the making

Apache Directory Server has been accepted in the Apache incubator in 2003, and as a Top Level project at the end of 2004. It's more than 10 years of intense work, during which the project spawned many other sub-projects : - ApacheDS - Apache LDAP API - Apache Directory Studio - Apache Mavibot - Apache eSCIMo - Apache Fortress - Apache Kerby
Tens of contributors have worked hand in hand to implement a valuable set of tools which benefit the community of developpers and users at large. With hundred of thousands of downloads of ApacheDS since its first release, and more than a million of Studio downloads, the Apache Directory project has become an important player in this area.
This presentation will expose the story of this project, its current status and the future as we can foresee it.
Emmanuel Lécharny
Teilnehmer (1)
Emmanuel Lécharny