Talk Submission: ConnId Identity Connectors and the new LDAP connector

Title: ConnId Identity Connectors and the new LDAP connector Presenter: Radovan Semancik (bio: Duration: 15min
Abstract: ConnId framework is an open source identity connector framework. It is currently developed in a cooperation of several identity management companies. The framework can be used to manage identities in a very diverse systems ranging from directory servers through relation database to legacy enterprise systems. The development of a brand new LDAP ConnId connector is used as a showcase for ConnId capabilities. The connector is built using a Apache Directory API. The talk will also shortly mention experiences with the use of Apache Directory API with OpenLDAP and other non-Apache directory servers.
Author short bio: ----------------------- Radovan Semancik graduated from the Slovak Technical University with a master degree in Software Engineering and PhD degree. At the time he works as a Software Architect and identity management specialist at Evolveum. His main areas of interest are digital identity and distributed systems architecture. He architected one of the first full-scale identity management deployments in Central Europe and provided key consulting services to many more comprehensive identity management solutions. He is an open-source project contributor and participates in several software development projects. He currenly dedicates most of his time to lead the midPoint project - the most comprehensive open source identity management system currently available.

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 11:23:48AM +0200, Radovan Semancik wrote:
Subject: [Submissions2015] Talk Submission: Complete Open Source IAM
Subject: [Submissions2015] Talk Submission: ConnId Identity Connectors and the new LDAP connector
Thank you for your two submissions. They will be considered by the Programme Committee in due course.
Teilnehmer (2)
Andrew Findlay
Radovan Semancik