Abstract for 45 min conference "FusionDirectory : how to manage the complexity and diversity of an IT infrastructure with an LDAP server."

here is an abstract for a 45 min conference
FusionDirectory : how to manage the complexity and diversity of an IT infrastructure with an LDAP server.
It starts with the centralization of user information and its different accounts on several systems and goes to deploying Linux or Windows based systems in different environments.
There are many applications written in house to manage data stored in your LDAP server, but most of them are difficult to use or poorly written, difficult to maintain and require regular patches to function properly.
The FusionDirectory project aims to fill this gap by providing a nice web application that allows you to not only manage your classic LDAP data such as users, groups, services ..etc, but also offer an API to write new plugins to extend its capabilities and match your needs.
Integration with other solutions is achieved by providing an interface that works the same way.
FusionDirectory is built with a core and a large set of plugins that manage much of the complexity of a today's infrastructure. A list is available here : http://documentation.fusiondirectory.org/en/documentation/available_plugins
During the presentation based on real use cases we show where FusionDirectory is after 4 years of existence, where it is used and how it is used to manage the infrastructure, why we choose LDAP as storage and ultimately what we expect for the future.
Web site : https://www.fusiondirectory.org/
Biography ======= Benoit Mortier is the Director of OpenSides a Free software Company Based in Belgium founded in 2001. He contracted the free software virus working in computer stores and this will never leave him. It is a Free Software activist, fighting against software patents and giving many lectures during events dedicated to Free Software. Co-Chairman of the System Administration track at Libre sofware meetings from 2007 was 2013. He has been FusionDirectory project leader since 2011.
Teilnehmer (1)
Benoit Mortier