Attached are four proposals:
1. Title: Introducing a Security Access Control Engine that resides in OpenLDAP, Type: 45 minute presentation, File: LdapConCfpRbacAccelerator.txt 2. Title: From the OpenLDAP to the Apache Directory Project, Type: 15 minute poster presentations, File: LdapConCfpApacheFortress.txt 3. Title: Applying End-to-End Security Across a Java Web Environment Using LDAP and Apache Fortress, Type: 120 minute tutorial, File: LdapConCfpLdapSecurityTutorial.txt 4. Title: The Open Source Identity Ecosystem, Type: 5 minute lightning talk, File: LdapConCfpIdentityEcosystem.txt
I would very much like to present one or more at this year’s LDAPCon. If I had to choose just one it would be #1. Thanks in advance for your consideration.
Shawn McKinney 650-963-7681
Teilnehmer (1)
Shawn McKinney